Our Rock and Refuge |
Ash Wednesday
LSB 731 - O God, Forsake Me Not
Lent 1
LSB 729 - I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus
Lent 2
LSB 708 - Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart
Lent 3
LSB 736 - Consider How the Birds Above
Lent 4
LSB 709 - The King of Love, My Shepherd Is
Lent 5
LSB 724 - If God Himself Be for Me
Palm Sunday
LSB 725 - Children of the Heavenly Father
Holy Monday
LSB 754 - Entrust Your Days and Burdens
Holy Tuesday
LSB 743 - Jesus, Priceless Treasure
Holy Wednesday
LSB 726 - Evening and Morning
Maundy Thursday
LSB 750 - If Thou But Trust in God to Guide Thee
Good Friday
LSB 745 - In God, My Faithful God
Holy Saturday
LSB 759 - This Body in the Grave We Lay
The Resurrection of Our Lord
LSB 741 - Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense